Productivity 9 months ago How to Organize Your Phone to Boost Productivity and Reduce Distractions by Amy Cai Be honest. Have you ever stared at the staggeringly high screen usage time shown on your phone, and wondered where all your time had gone? Have you ever asked yourself how much of your phone time was actually necessary, versus the mindless activities that only gave you fleeting hits of dopamine? All of us are culprits […]
Productivity 10 months ago How to read books faster and retain more of what you read by Amy Cai For years, my bookcase was filled with books I’d never finished reading, a testament to my truly horrendous ‘books I want to read’ to ‘books I actually read’ ratio. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t have enough time to read. I had plenty of time to scroll on Tiktok and Instagram, after all. No, the real problem […]